One Spirit Learning Alliance

One Spirit Learning Alliance

"The major block to compassion is the judgment in our minds. Judgment is the mind's primary tool of separation."
- Diane Berke







What is One Spirit Learning Alliance?

One Spirit Learning Alliance and Interfaith Seminary were founded on the understanding that beneath the diversity of theological beliefs, rites, and observances lies a deeper unity of experience that is our shared spiritual heritage. One Spirit provides workshops, events, practices, spiritual formation and community building for those interested in deepening their spiritual lives and preparing for active service. One Spirit grounds students from an Interspiritual perspective and nurtures the development of their inner lives to prepare them for service in the world.

What is the mission and vision One Spirit Learning Alliance?

The mission of One Spirit is to offer experiential interfaith and interspiritual education to provide professional training that supports personal transformation and prepares spiritual leaders. The vision is to inspire and advance the evolution of sacred consciousness in service to individuals, communities and the earth.

What are the core values that guide the work of One Spirit.

One Spirit is guided by the following organizational core values. 1) Authentic Community – Built on honesty, trust, support, unconditional love and collaboration. 2) Consciousness of the sacred. 3) Inclusivity - Honoring individuality, diversity and the universal expressed through all authentic wisdom paths and traditions. 4) Integrity – Building trust through transparency, professional ethics, the setting of healthy boundaries and living with honest and authentic lives. 5) Lifelong Learning - Commitment to cultivating humility, beginners mind and openness to all of life as our teacher. 6) Sacred Service – A commitment to compassion in action.

What is Interspirituality?

The late Brother Wayne Teasdale, author of The Mystic Heart, coined the term “Interspirituality” to describe a new and growing perspective of an emerging spirituality. "All authentic spiritual paths, at their mystical core, are committed to the common values of peace, compassionate service, and love for all creation. An inner life awakened to responsibility and love naturally expresses itself through engaged spirituality, in “acts of compassion…, contributing to the transformation of the world and the building of a nonviolent, peace-loving culture that includes everyone.” (The Mystic Heart)
